Here is a list of webinars across the university campuses for Open Education Week.

To find out additional information visit the NU Open Education Week homepage

Monday, March 4, 12:00-1:00 pm
Student Panel Discussion

Students will discuss their experience using OER textbooks and what changes they would like to see. 
Register at:

Tuesday, March 5, 12:00-1:00 pm
Open Nebraska Course Marking Logo

Faculty and staff will learn about the new Open Nebraska course marking logo and how it will be used across the campuses. 
Register at:

Wednesday, March 6, 12:00-1:00 pm
How to Choose OER Resources

Faculty will learn about finding and selecting high-quality OER resources. 
Register at:

Thursday, March 7, 12:00-1:00 pm
Faculty Spotlight on OER

NU Open Education week will conclude with faculty from all four campuses presenting 10-minute sessions on unique and engaging OER for students. 
Register at:

Other OER Week Events
Open Education Week at UNO

For Open Education Week 2024, UNO Libraries will be hosting a series of live chats with OER adopters at UNO. Featuring a variety of subject areas, the conversations will look at faculty experiences adopting Open Educational Resources in their courses.
Register at: 

Open Nebraska Initiative

Open Education Week