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Handy Topics in the Curriculum Department

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This Handy Topic...

will help you locate the different Golden Sower Award books that are in our collections.  Just click on a name to go to the record!

Please note: if a title is not linked, it means that we currently do not have it in our collection.  Please check the Kearney Public Library or consider ordering it from Interlibrary Loan

Golden Sower Award

The Golden Sower award is the children's choice award for the state of Nebraska.

Thousands of Nebraska's students participate in the Golden Sower Award program each year as evidenced by the program's annual voting records.  In order to vote in any given category, a student must have read at least 4 titles in that category.


The award is broken down into the following categories:

Little Bluestem: titles primarily intended for grades K-2

Honeybee: titles primarily intended for grades 3-5

Meadowlark: titles primarily intended for grades 6-8

Bald Eagle: titles primarily intended for grades 9-12 (this category started with the 2025-2026 award year)


Over the years, there have been different category names.  

The Grades K-2 category has been known as "Picture Book" and "Primary Book";

The Grades 3-5 category has been known as "Chapter Book" and "Intermediate Grades";

The Grades 6-8 category has been known as "Novel" and "Young Adult"


The award listings below reflect the category names used at the time each year was awarded.

Golden Sower Award 2023-2024

Golden Sower Award 2022-2023

Golden Sower Award 2021-2022

Golden Sower Award 2020-2021

Golden Sower Award 2019-2020

Golden Sower Award 2018-2019

Golden Sower Award 2017-2018

Golden Sower Award 2016-2017

Golden Sower Award 2015-2016

Golden Sower Award 2014-2015

Golden Sower Award 2013-2014

Golden Sower Award 2012-2013

Golden Sower Award 2010-2011

Golden Sower Award 2009-2010

Golden Sower Award 2008-2009

Golden Sower Award 2006-2007

Golden Sower Award 2005-2006

Golden Sower Award 2004-2005

Golden Sower Award 2003-2004

Golden Sower Award 2002-2003

Golden Sower Award 2001-2002

Golden Sower Award 1999-2000

Golden Sower Award 1998-1999

Golden Sower Award 1997-1998

Golden Sower Award 1996-1997

Golden Sower Award 1995-1996

Golden Sower Award 1994-1995

Golden Sower Award 1991-1992

Golden Sower Award 1990-1991

Golden Sower Award 1989-1990

Golden Sower Award 1988-1989

Golden Sower Award 1987-1988

Golden Sower Award 1986-1987

Golden Sower Award 1985-1986

Golden Sower Award 1984-1985

Golden Sower Award 1983-1984

Golden Sower Award 1982-1983




Golden Sower Award 1981-1982

Golden Sower Award 1980-1981


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