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Help with podcasting

What is a Podcast?

RSS symbol - orange square - with headphones

Logo by Colleen AF Venable. Used under CC BY-SA 2.0

A podcast is an on-demand digital radio show. Podcasts let you focus on a niche topic.

Podcasting 101

  1. Choose a topic to talk about.
  2. Draft a script of what you're going to say.
  3. Check out a microphone from the Library.
  4. Record audio in a quiet place.
  5. Mix the audio with anything else you want - music for intro? sound effects?. Audacity, an easy-to-use program, is on the computers in the Library lower-level west computer lab (the small one), but feel free to use whatever program you like.
  6. Export your file. Usually, you'll want something like WAV or MP3. Different platforms accept different formats, so check where you want to share it before choosing a final format. Your instructor may also specify a file type.
  7. Upload the finished file to a hosting platform (we suggest SoundCloud) or directly to wherever your instructor has asked. 

Highlighted Podcasts

podcast icon in purple

Sound Effects and Music

Be careful about copyright. Be sure to check what type of attribution is required for use.

Try to include both verbal and written attribution (in the description of the podcast).

Example: This podcast uses these sounds from [site name]:
sound1 by user1
sound2, sound3 by user2 
