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Thematic Lists

Lists of materials on various themes

Thematic Lists

Are you working with children and want to show them items on a certain topic?  Or getting ready to teach on a thematic unit or preparing a lesson plan?

These thematic lists are here to help!

These lists include such things as children's books, lesson plan books, games, kits, DVDs, CDs. 

On the Daily, Weekly, Monthly Celebrations page, you will find thematic lists related to various celebrations, including religious holidays and heritage months.  What will you be celebrating next?

On the Treasure Chest page, you will find our other thematic lists, including science and social studies themes.  What gems will you find there?

Please note:

  • You may also be interested in items in our PK-12 Textbook Collection and our Children's Magazines Collection.  Items in these two collections provide short readings, both for classroom settings and just informal fun reading, and sometimes provide examples on how to teach the topics...and may lead you to other connected topics of interest!  Both of these resources have possible online options as well (information provided on the pages linked)!
  • All physical items on these lists can be checked out from the library.
  • These lists do NOT include everything on a theme that is available at the Calvin T. Ryan Library, nor every theme we have items about!  If you are interested in additional resources, including items from our general Book Collection, just head over to our website and type your theme into the search box!

You may also be interested in our Handy Topics guide.

Top recommended list!

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Sandhill Crane Migration Season is coming!

Learn about the current season!

Other fun topics to think about this month!

Always important!


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