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Kinesiology and Sports Science: Peer-Reviewed Overview

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Peer review and original research

Articles in peer-reviewed/refereed journals are critically reviewed and evaluated by peer experts or scholars.

These "peer reviewers" are experts in the field and assess the quality of the methodology, data, analysis, findings, conclusions, and claims presented in the article and determine that the work is worthy of publication.

The library collects peer-reviewed/refereed journals to assist you in your research.

Original research articles in Kinesiology & Sports Science generally follow the IMRD layout:

Introduction: In this section, the researchers explain the problem they are investigating; present the relevant research that has already been performed on the topic; and introduce their study and how it complements the existing research and is unique.

Methods/Methodology: In this section, the researchers describe in detail how they constructed their study - number of participants and their demographic group, tools used to gather and analyze data, etc. They will also cite other original research that has used the methodology they are applying or adapting to the study.

Results: The researchers present the results of their study. This section tends to be highly statistical in language, presenting charts and tables and mathematical formulas to describe their analysis in acute detail.

- Discussion: In this section, the researchers describe the results of their study in a more conversational voice, comparing the results of their study to relevant existing research. Was their study successful in exploring the problem, and to what extent?

Peer-reviewed articles in databases

Most of the databases to which the library subscribes are either scholarly and peer reviewed or include tools which aid in limiting the data found to peer-reviewed/refereed journals.

One example of a database that does this is EBSCOHost:


Some publication websites include legends to help you detemine what articles are peer-reviewd or are from refereed journals.  One such site that marks articles from refereed journals is Ulrich's Periodical Directory:

Ulrich Web Refereed iconUlrich database legend