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Juvenile Literature

Some information about the Juvenile Literature collection, including awards, news, ways to find more books, review books, and tags used in the collection

A little bit about...

Check here for helpful websites to aid you in locating what to read next, information about core collections for libraries, and how to get your hands on books that we do not have in the library!

What to read next???

It's not always easy to figure out what children's or Young Adult book to read next.  Here are some useful websites that might help you on your reading quest.

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database

This database contains more than 300,000 critical reviews of thousands of children's books, ranging from the earliest baby board books to novels and nonfiction for young adults, and an average of more than 1500 new reviews are added to the database monthly. Information about awards, honors, prizes given to specific books is also provided along with information about reading measuement program information as well as best book lists and state reading lists.

If we don't have it...

If we don't have it here, check out these resources to help you get the book that you are looking for.
