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Social Work 473

Helpful links and search tips for SOWK 473 - Child Welfare Services

Primo Search


Suggested Search Terms

Try using these search terms within LOPERSearch (see above box) and Social Work-related article databases (see above tab). This list may help you get started, but is by no means complete!

  • poverty
  • antipoverty programs
  • food insecurity
  • food security
  • homelessness
  • bullying
  • schools AND violence
  • "school violence"
  • battered women
  • domestic violence
  • family violence
  • spouse abuse
  • stalking
  • child abuse
  • child neglect
  • child sexual abuse
  • premature infants
  • prenatal care
  • adoption
  • adopted children
  • adoptive parents
  • foster care
  • foster children
  • foster parent
  • surrogate parents
  • delinquency prevention
  • dropouts
  • juvenile delinquency
  • juvenile offenders
  • gangs AND membership
  • "gang membership"
  • substance abuse
  • alcohol abuse
  • alcoholism
  • drug abuse
  • treatment programs

Phrases in quotation marks are not official subject terms, but do appear frequently as phrases in database results. Using quotation marks around these words may improve the quality of your search results.


Background Information on Social Problems

Non-Governmental Reports & Websites
