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Library Resource Updates

This guide provides information about the UNK Calvin T. Ryan Library's collections in all formats.


UNCL renewed its subscription to Elsevier journals and the database, Scopus, for a 5-year term. In addition, UNCL is finalizing a deal to secure a 10% discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) to publish an article as open access in Elsevier journals.


University of Nebraska authors whose articles are accepted on or after January 1, 2023 for publication in Wiley and Hindawi journals can publish their work Open Access (OA) at no cost to themselves. Fully OA ("gold") journals, as well as "hybrid" journals publishing both subscription and OA content, are included in this agreement; in the case of fully OA journals published by Wiley or Hindawi, articles must also have been submitted on or after January 1, 2023 to be covered by this agreement.

Primary research and review articles with a corresponding author affiliated with any of the University of Nebraska campuses are covered by this agreement. Authors should be careful to specify their University of Nebraska affiliation when submitting their articles, to ensure that the publisher’s editorial management system identifies them as eligible. When submitting an article to a Wiley OA ("gold") journal, select “My institution or funder has an agreement with Wiley…”, and then use the tool provided to find the correct account code to enter. In the case of Wiley "hybrid" journals, authors will be presented with the choice of publishing OA or not after the article is accepted.

OA articles in WIley and Hindawi journals are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license, with authors retaining rights in their work. Note that it is not possible to choose the OA option after the article has been published.

For more information, see the BTAA website, or contact David Arredondo in the Library.
