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Biology 231 - Research Methods

Course-specific guide to position paper assignment


Critical analysis may or may not be a component of this particular course's evaluation, but it is an important component of any research process. 

Inquiry-based learning

Inquiry-based learning

Critical thinking is at the heart of scientific inquiry. A good scientist is one who never stops asking why things happen, or how things happen. Science makes progress when we find data that contradicts our current scientific ideas.

Scientific inquiry includes three key areas:

         1.  Identifying a problem and asking questions about that problem
         2.  Selecting information to respond to the problem and evaluating it
         3.  Drawing conclusions from the evidence

Hart, T. (2018, 18 October) Teaching critical thinking in science - the key to students' future success.  Brighter Thinking Blog.

Links and tips on how to conduct a critical analysis
