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History 481 - North American Frontiers 1500-1850


Welcome to the guide for North American Frontiers 1500-1850. This is intended as a starting point, not an exhaustive list. 

This guide focuses mostly on primary sources relevant to your final paper - for help finding secondary sources, or primary sources that cover areas outside this class's area, please consult the general History Subject Guide, or make an appointment with me. 

Primary Source Databases

Note: Pay close attention to the date on your intended source, as not all materials in every database fall within the class scope.

Individual Accounts Available from the Library

There are numerous primary source accounts, both in print and online, that reveal the history of North American frontiers and borderlands. 

Look for words like "diary", "journal", "travels", "tour", "account", "exploration", and the like. 

Below are a few selections. There are many more in the book stacks (2nd floor of the library - look particularly at F200-F600) and online.

If you aren't finding something that interests you, please contact me for assistance.
