1. Go to: http://www.census.gov/data/data-tools.html
2. Click on "2010 Census Interactive Population Map" link (screenshot below):

3. Click "Total Population":

4. Enter location: "Kearney, NE" and click "Get Started":

5. Select "Census Tract":

Use the + and - at the top left of the page to zoom in or out of your location. From this point you can play around by clicking the different options to get different information.
For example:
A. Click "Ethnicity" and then click the census tract. It will indicate how much of the population is Hispanic/Latino or not:

B. Click "Race" - this will break it down into more specific races:

C. Click "Age" - this will break it down by sex and age population:

D. Click "Household" - this breaks it down by housing and housing with minors:

To get more detailed information on smaller sections, select "Census Block Group" or "Census Block" to focus on a specific area.