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ENG 102/Ethnographic Essay

Ethnographic essay research help

Helpful Databases

When you are looking for sociological, historical, or psychological resources to contextualize your group's behavior for your project, think about searching strategically.  For example, the ERIC database will have information and studies on college student drinking culture, teaching ELL, on theater classes or techniques for K12-age students, and for young people taking dance classes. Business Source Premier will have information on coffee house culture, bar culture, and gym culture.  Also remember to check the PEW Research Center for current, relevant information on social trends such as food and hunger (their COVID-19 coverage is also remarkable -- be sure to check under multiple tabs on the PEW site, as the studies and articles cover the pandemic from different vantage points).

Consider combining targeted search terms along with your key terms/group you are studying.  Ones that will help bring the kinds of information you need up to the top of your results include:

  • Culture
  • Collegiality
  • Group behavior
  • Community

Create different searches with your key terms and these targeted search terms, as you will likely get somewhat different results each time.

Let us know if you need additional help on resources!
