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Research Tips and Tricks

This Tips and Tricks research guide provides information on how to perform a search, ranging from how to choose what type of search to make, how to string key words together, and what to do with texts once you've found them.

Writing a Research Question: The Basics

Now that you have a topic selected, it’s time to form a research question or a research statement. Both require thinking critically about your topic and your research goals. Take your assignment requirements into account, but remember to also lean into your personal interest and connection to the topic.

Keep in mind that a research question may evolve as you work with it. Your topic may shift , or you may discover a new angle you find more interesting or relevant. Remember, it’s okay to return to your question and modify it.

A research question should be open-ended, not a yes or no question. A yes or no question indicates that you’re unwilling to compromise on any opinion you may go into your research with. An open-ended question, on the other hand, demonstrates a willingness to learn and will guide you to a more comprehensive set of sources.

Example Research Question Creation

For the topic of baking, I can focus my research in several different directions. I’ve chosen to explore televised baking competitions.

Now what?

It's time to take that narrowed topic and make a question. From brainstorming, directions to take the topic include: the influence of baking shows, the history of baking shows, and the financial aspects of baking shows.

  1. How have baking shows influenced the production and/or sale of cookbooks?
  • I’ve narrowed my topic yet again, focusing on the cookbook industry. I may not find much here, so I might broaden my topic to the influence of these shows on home bakers/home baking more generally.
  1. What spurred the creation of and resurgence of baking shows in the 2024 cultural climate?
  • Instead of focusing solely on the past here, I’m giving my topic relevance. Why write about it now? Because we’re in the middle of a renaissance of baking shows produced by Netflix and the Food Network, among other entities.
  1. What financial gains do networks and/or streaming services get by creating baking shows?
  • Here, I’m looking at one aspect: the financial positives. However, I’ll also want to look into any negative impacts the shows have on a network’s finances to round out my argument.

Use critical thinking to build on your brainstorming and focus your research. Give yourself the freedom to modify your question and the direction of your research as you progress.
