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SciFinder - Registration and Login

What is SciFinder?

SciFinder contains scientific information in journals and patent literature from around the world, including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, material science, and agricultural science.

More information about SciFinder's contents and training resources are available from the CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society.

Already registered for SciFinder? Login here!

New to SciFinder? Please register per the directions below:

Access to SciFinder is restricted to UNK students, faculty and employees for non-commercial purposes.

  1. Open this SciFinder User Registration page (opens in a new window/tab).

    Complete the registration form per the following instructions.
    1. All UNK users must use their UNK email address to register  (e.g. or  Once the registration form is complete, a confirmation email will be sent with instructions for completing the registration process.  This confirmation email will only be delivered to UNK accounts.
    2. Specify a username and password.
      Your username must be unique and contain 5-15 characters. It can contain only letters
      or a combination of letters, numbers, and/or these special characters:
      - (dash)
      _ (underscore)
      . (period)
      @ (at symbol)
      Your password must contain 7-15 characters and include at least three of the following:
      • Letters
      • Mixed upper- and lowercase letters
      • Numbers
      • Non-alphanumeric characters (e.g., @, #, %, &, *)
    3. Complete the rest of the required fields on the registration form.
  2. Once you have completed the registration form, an email will be sent to your UNK email account with a link to confirm your registration and agreement to the terms of use for SciFinder.  After confirming this email, you will be able to login SciFinder.  

NOTE to Off-Campus Users: As with most library databases, off-campus users will first be prompted to enter their UNK-issued EASI username and password.  After this first login is completed, the SciFinder login page will be displayed.
