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TE 331: Intermediate Literacy

Created to help students discover resources related to their topic.

Library Search


Finding Books and Literary Resources

Looking for juvenile literature related to a particular subject area and reading level? 

Finding Books and Literary Resources

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database

Contains more than 300,000 critical reviews of thousands of children's and young adult books. Includes information about book awards, reading measurement programs, best book lists, and state reading lists.

Contemporary Authors

This includes the Contemporary Authors original and New Revision series.

Gale Literature Resource Center

Find up-to-date biographies, overviews, full-text criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews on writers from all eras.

NoveList K-8 Plus

Provides reading recommendations for fiction and non-fiction titles, for children in grades K-8.

NoveList Plus

Provides reading recommendations for fiction and non-fiction titles, for all ages. Includes book summaries, reviews, and series information.

Finding online videos
