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Library Research Tutorial: Adapted from Canvas Course

This Research Guide runs through the same information as the Library Tutorial course in Canvas. Use this guide to quickly access that information without needing to log into Canvas, and use it as a refresher for the main points in the Canvas tutorial.

Using Interlibrary Loan

STEP 3: Request items from other libraries

If the Journal finder tool indicates the library does not have access to an article, either online or in print, you can still request a copy from other libraries using interlibrary loan.**

Books not owned by UNK's Library may also be requested through interlibrary loan (but check the catalog first!).**

A few key facts to remember about interlibrary loan:

  1. There is no charge to UNK students or employees for requesting items from other libraries.
  2. Providing complete citations for requested articles or books can help speed up your request. 
  3. Do plan ahead of assignment deadlines! Requested articles are typically delivered electronically within 2-3 business days. Books may take 7-10 days to arrive by mail.**

**NOTE: Interlibrary Loan services differ somewhat for in-person and distance students, as is covered on the next page.

When to Use Interlibrary Loan

Be aware that interlibrary loan services vary depending on residency status (on-campus vs. distance) and on the requested material type.

When to Use Interlibrary Loan Services (ILLiad)
by Residency and Material Type

  On-campus students Distance students
Articles The article is available online: Access the article online Access the article online
The article is available in print at UNK Library: Obtain article in-person at
the UNK Library
Use ILLiad to request and access the article electronically
The article is not available at UNK Library: Use ILLiad to request and access the article electronically Use ILLiad to request and access the article electronically
Books The e-book is available at UNK Library: Access the e-book online Access the e-book online
The print book is available at UNK Library: Obtain book in-person at
the UNK Library
Use ILLiad to request UNK Library books be mailed to you; student pays return shipping
The book is not available at UNK Library: Use ILLiad to request book; pickup and return at the UNK Library Due to shipping delays, please contact your public library to request books not owned by the UNK Library.