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Library Research Tutorial: Adapted from Canvas Course

This Research Guide runs through the same information as the Library Tutorial course in Canvas. Use this guide to quickly access that information without needing to log into Canvas, and use it as a refresher for the main points in the Canvas tutorial.

Journal Search Tool

Search Journals for full-text availability

Not all databases will display a link to full text and you may discover relevant article citations through other research methods. How can you determine whether the UNK Library has access to a journal or magazine referenced within an article citation?

The best approach is to search the Journals tool, which is available by clicking on "Journals" from the Library homepage Resources menu (as shown below).

Resources menu with red box around Journals

In the following example, we'll use the Journals tool to determine whether UNK has access to the journal article in this citation:

Shiovitz-Ezra, S., & Leitsch, S. A. (2010). The Role of Social Relationships in Predicting Loneliness: The National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project. Social Work Research34(3), 157–167.

Based on this citation, we'll search the Journals tool for the title of Social Work Research.


Avoid this frequent mistake: Some students will mistakenly enter the article title (i.e. "Do preschool programs affect...") into the Journals search box and find disappointing results.

Instead: When searching the Journals tool, be sure to enter the periodical title, that is, the title of the journal, magazine, or newspaper in which an article was published (i.e. Social Work). Many sources will cite the periodical title in italics font.

The Journals tool will return several journal titles beginning with the words "social work." The closest matching title is pictured below. Note the varying coverage dates listed on each line.

 List of databases that contain content from the journal Social Work

List of databases that contain content from the journal Social Work  

Once inside EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier, you could follow the date/issues links (as shown below) to access the specific issue of volume 34, issue 3, as noted in our citation.

As an alternative, we could also click "Search within this publication" to search this specific journal by the article's title (i.e. "The role of social relationships in prediciting...").

Academic Search Premier holdings display  
