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Library Research Tutorial: Adapted from Canvas Course

This Research Guide runs through the same information as the Library Tutorial course in Canvas. Use this guide to quickly access that information without needing to log into Canvas, and use it as a refresher for the main points in the Canvas tutorial.

Start Your Assignment Early

While some students believe they work better under pressure, beginning a research assignment early and working steadily toward its completion provides numerous advantages, including more time to:

  • Identify sources for your topic, or to adjust the scope of your topic if sources are in short supply
  • Request and receive materials via interlibrary loan
  • Carefully write, annotate, and proofread your paper
  • Receive assistance from librarians, the Writing Center, or your instructor
  • Respond to unexpected problems – technology glitches, illnesses, etc.

By starting early, you can reduce your stress level and the temptation to "save time" by plagiarizing sources.

While Researching, Carefully Note Your Sources

It's essential to note all research sources used to complete an assignment, whether you use index cards, a document or spreadsheet, or a free citation-tracking application like Zotero.

In addition to the citation (author(s), book title or journal and article titles, date of publication, page numbers, etc.), you should also record the following in your notes:

  • Whether you’re noting a quotation verbatim or whether you're paraphrasing an idea. Remember that a direct quote often requires quotation marks and the page number where that quote appeared within a book or article, depending on the citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) assigned by your instructor.
  • The address (or URL: Uniform Resource Locator) of any websites cited in your research, and the dates of when the website was published and when you visited that website.

While Writing, Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

It's essential to properly cite the ideas and quotations of others, including any images, videos, or audio clips that may accompany your assignment.

Remember to also check your syllabus or ask your instructor about their preferred citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago, etc).

NOTE: The Library provides a link to online Citation Guides. Several style manuals are also available at the Library including

for Help at the Writing Center

Ignorance is not a defense if you are caught plagiarizing!  Please ask for help at UNK's Writing Center. if you are unsure whether some portion of your paper requires attribution.

The Writing Center is located in the Learning Commons on the Library's second floor, where experienced student tutors are available to offer support at any stage of the writing process. Scheduling an appointment is recommended; walk-in appointments are received as staffing allows. The Writing Center also offers online appointments.


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